Allowing sources of different power and impedance to be connected

The timeless journey of pure sound
The amplifier modules are based on a completely symmetrical construction in a combination of FETs and bipolar transistors. Bandwidth and linearity play an important role in this. It makes the phase behaviour of the preamplifier linear, which partly determines the extreme spaciousness and "live-3D" feeling of this amplifier.
Ruud Jonker
Ruud Jonker
Technical specifications
Werner Ero
Masterful Craftsmanship
We all agree what an amplifier should do: amplify the input signal, nothing more, nothing less. Modus Audio Systems has, after many years of experience in the field of audio electronics, but especially by listening to music as its starting point: Listen to the original. Nothing should obstruct our ears to fully enjoy the original recording with as much passion and skill as it is performed by the artist and sound engineer.

Create your personalised masterpiece
Reserve your Modus
We're thrilled to announce a limited release of 30 sets in 2024.
If you're interested in being part of this exclusive experience, please leave your details here.